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Verona 大膽而現代的設計是 Artnovion 所代表的完美典範。這種獨特的外觀被設計成多種令人著迷的圖案,可以輕鬆地安裝在任何辦公室、會議室或會議室,甚至是禮堂或購物中心等大型場所。這些特點與其非常有效的中頻吸收以及其直接螺釘固定係統的簡便性相關,使維羅納成為解決日常聲學問題的非常理想的工具。


維羅納 - 鑲板

  • Features:

    Units per box: 1



    Absorption Range:
    250 Hz to 5000 Hz

    Acoustic Class:
    C | (aw) = 0,65



    - RT reduction
    - Improving speech intelligibility
    - Extended mid-low frequency Absorption
    - High-frequency absorption
    - Noise Reduction


    Recommended for

    - Offices

    - Conference Rooms

    - Meeting Rooms

    - Schools

    - Auditoriums


    Carbon positive Natural Wood - Carefully selected wood from controlled, sustainable sources.

    Recycled PET absorption - Class 1 product according to the OEKO-TEX@ Standard 100.

    This product is available in the following Fire Rates:
    FG | Furniture Grade
    FR | Fire Rated



    Verona | Natural Wood Veneer (FG)
    - Natural Wood Veneer
    - Marine Grade Plywood Structural Frame
    - Sound PET acoustic core - Euro Class B

    Verona | Natural Wood Veneer (FR)
    - Natural Wood Veneer
    - Fire Retardant HMDF Structural Frame
    - Sound PET Acoustic Core - Euro Class B

    Verona | Lacquered HMDF (FG)
    - Lacquered HMDF
    - HMDF Structural Frame
    - Sound PET Acoustic Core - Euro Class B

    Verona | Lacquered Fire retardant HMDF (FR)
    - Lacquered Fire Retardant HMDF
    - Fire Retardant HMDF Structural Frame
    - Sound PET Acoustic Core - Euro Class B

    The panelling range is installed to battens that can be installed onto any type of surface. If you want to conceal the sides of the installation use Metal Side Covers


    - (FG) 800x1184x39mm
    - (FR) 800x1184x40mm
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