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Sonarworks 是錄音行業領先的聲音校準公司。

他們的產品受到全球 30,000 多家錄音室的信賴,其中包括 25 位喜歡和支持 Sonarworks 的格萊美獎得主。

現在,Sonarworks 的使命是更進一步——為所有音樂聽眾提供終極的聲音體驗,無論使用何種設備,無論是耳機、揚聲器還是汽車音響。

最後,您可以對自己的設置充滿信心。 Sonarworks Reference 4 消除了工作室揚聲器和耳機中不需要的色彩,因此您可以相信自己能準確地聽到混音。

Reference 4 Studio Edition 提供全套功能強大的軟件,在工作室和旅途中提供一致的參考聲音。您還可以使用隨附的麥克風在 10 分鐘內測量您的工作室。然後參考文獻 4 創建一個校準配置文件。

對於耳機,選擇一個預製的配置文件,您就可以開始使用了。校準可以通過插件在 DAW 中運行以實現最低延遲,也可以通過 Systemwide 運行以實現最大的多功能性。


Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio 版

  • Key Features

    ● Speaker calibration: save as many profiles as needed
    ● Headphone calibration profiles for 280+ supported models
    ● Custom target: target curve adjustments in real time
    ● Translation Check: simulating 20+ different devices and device types for accurate mix translation results everywhere without leaving the workstation
    ● 3 filter modes: Zero Latency, Mixed and Linear Phase
    ● Additional DSP processing controls: Mono, Dry/Wet and Safe Headroom
    ● MIDI mapping in the SoundID Reference app for various controls
    ● User Presets in the SoundID Reference app for switching quickly between predefined output device/channel pair combinations

  • Benefits

    ● Focus on music instead of worrying about your setup because Sonarworks SoundID removes unwanted colouration from your headphones.

    ● Make the right impact on every listener out there because you can hear exactly what's going on in your music.

    ● Get more out of your gear because calibration upgrades your equipment to ultimate accuracy.

    ● Work wherever you have your laptop because calibrated headphones become a legitimate tool for serious audio production.

    ● Spend less time double-checking and chasing the last fixes because accurate monitoring results in clean mixes.

    ●Get the relevant feedback because your collaborators will hear the music as you do.

  • What's Included

    ● SoundID Reference app for Speakers & Headphones
    ● SoundID Reference DAW plugin (AU, VST, AAX)
    ● Averaged profiles for 280+ supported headphone models
    ● Activation key for the product license: the product can be activated and used on 3 machines

  • System Requirements

    ● Mac: macOS 10.12 or later
    ● PC: Windows 8 (64-bit) or later

    ● Sonarworks supported or Sonarworks individually calibrated headphones required (not included)
    ● 2.0 or 2.1 stereo speaker system
    ● An audio interface featuring +48V Phantom Power and 44.1 kHz sample rate capability
    ● During the speaker measurement process, the audio hardware setup must consist only of a single external hardware device
    ● XLR to XLR audio cable
    ● SoundID Reference measurement microphone, or other omnidirectional measurement microphone with an XLR audio connection

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